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About us

We are Luis and Susan Selles, a couple from Costa Rica (Luis) and the Netherlands
(Susan). We have two children: Hannah and Boaz.
We serve the indigenous communities of Talamanca, Costa Rica. We support local
churches in their calling to impact the community and their families. We believe that
the role of the church is very important in producing change. In cooperation with the
churches we reach out to families by offering training, activities for moms and
children, distributing Bibles in Spanish and also in indigenous languages. Our focus is
on community development with a biblical worldview. 
We’re currently starting our own ministry called Yàmipa. We’re starting with a focus
on several activities. The first one is a course to train people to serve Christ in their
own community. We are working together on this with a ministry called Ola de Fe.
This course is for church members and others who are interested. The course will
last three months and meets on Saturdays. The main topics are Biblical worldview,
learning to understand poverty, evangelism, and the Biblical foundation of missions.
Besides that, the students have theology classes given by a seminary called ESEPA. 
Susan organizes a monthly activity for (young) mothers with children aged 0-4 years.
We’ve realized that there are almost no activities for this age group and we think it’s
important that both the baby/toddler and the mother receive the necessary
attention and love. We are also trying to offer workshops every now and then that
are focused on healthcare, nutrition, and other topics.

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